Choosing Meaningful Flowers to Create the Perfect Mother's Day Bouquet
by Dawn Sweetman on Feb 24, 2016

Mother's Day is an incredibly important holiday for mothers everywhere. Since its conception in the early nineteen hundreds, Mother's Day has been recognized as an official international holiday and is long-awaited by many mothers and their families throughout the year.
Mothers work extremely hard to care for their children and families and provide them with the love and emotional support they need to get through their lives. Therefore, it is traditionally expected that the spouses, children, or relatives of a beloved mother celebrate her and everything that she does by giving her small gifts as tokens of appreciation for her hard work, love, and support.
A common Mother's Day gift is a bouquet of flowers.The tradition of giving mothers flowers has existed for centuries because flowers have historically symbolized love, life, beauty, and fertility, which are all significant things for which mothers are celebrated. Therefore, when Mother's Day popularized as a holiday designed to celebrate and appreciate mothers everywhere, it seemed only natural to give the important mothers in your life the traditional gift of a flower bouquet to show them how much they mean to you. Although any flowers are sure to be appreciated by your wife or mother on Mother's Day, there are certain types of flowers which are most suitable to include within a Mother's Day bouquet due to their traditional symbolic meaning.
Roses are a beautiful and elegant type of flower which are an excellent addition to any Mother's Day bouquet. Roses traditionally symbolize gratitude, so they are a perfect choice for expressing your acknowledgement and appreciation of everything that your wife or mother has sacrificed throughout her role as a mother in order to always put her children and family first. There are many different colors of roses, and each separate color possesses a different symbolic meaning. Dark pink roses are the best color of roses to include in a Mother's Day bouquet because dark pink is the color of rose that is most commonly known as an expression of gratitude and appreciation.
There are many different colors of roses, and each separate color possesses a different symbolic meaning. Dark pink roses are the best color of roses to include in a Mother's Day bouquet because dark pink is the color of rose that is most commonly known as an expression of gratitude and appreciation.
From the time their first child is born, mothers virtually stop thinking about themselves and their own needs and instead focus on the needs, desires, and dreams of their children. This incredible sacrifice allows children to grow up feeling constantly supported and loved and gives them the courage and confidence to succeed in life. While we are focusing on pursuing our dreams and living our own lives, we often forget to thank our mother or wife for the constant devotion she has shown to her children, even if that devotion has required her to sacrifice her own dreams or desires. Violets are excellent flowers to include within a Mother's Day bouqet because they symbolize devotion and help express to mothers how much their children, spouse, or family member appreciates the immeasurable devotion they have shown to their children as they grow up and move through life.
While we are focusing on pursuing our dreams and living our own lives, we often forget to thank our mother or wife for the constant devotion she has shown to her children, even if that devotion has required her to sacrifice her own dreams or desires. Violets are excellent flowers to include within a Mother's Day bouquet because they symbolize devotion and help express to mothers how much their children, spouse, or family member appreciates the immeasurable devotion they have shown to their children as they grow up and move through life.
Violets are excellent flowers to include within a Mother's Day bouquet because they symbolize devotion and help express to mothers how much their children, spouse, or family member appreciates the immeasurable devotion they have shown to their children as they grow up and move through life. This incredible sacrifice allows children to grow up feeling constantly supported and loved and gives them the courage and confidence to succeed in life. While we are focusing on pursuing our dreams and living our own lives, we often forget to thank our mother or wife for the constant devotion she has shown to her children, even if that devotion has required her to sacrifice her own dreams or desires.
Violets are excellent flowers to include within a Mother's Day bouquet because they symbolize devotion and help express to mothers how much their children, spouse, or family member appreciates the immeasurable devotion they have shown to their children as they grow up and move through life.
Traditionally, lillies symbolize motherhood itself and everything which is included within it. If you give only one type of flower to your wife or mother for Mother's Day, it should be a lily. Because they symbolize motherhood, lillies celebrate mothers for making the difficult choice to bring children into this world. However, they also express gratitude and appreciation to mothers for everything that motherhood encompasses, from the late nights mothers spend staying up with a sleepless, screaming toddler to the constant concern, love, and support they shower upon their children throughout childhood and beyond.
Tulips possess a general meaning of love. They are a popular addition to Mother's Day bouquets because they express to mothers how much they are loved by their children, spouse, or relatives. While tulips in general symbolize love, different colors of tulips have slightly varying meanings. If you are preparing a Mother's Day bouquet to celebrate your spouse's role as a mother, you should include red tulips, which traditionally symbolize true romantic love. If your Mother's Day bouquet is for your own mother or for an aunt or other relative you want to celebrate, pink tulips are best as they are serve as a symbol of familial love and caring.
Out of all of the important figures in our lives, our mothers are one of the most deserving recipients of our utmost respect because of the constant provision of care, love, support, and gentle teaching she has shown to us. Daisies are flowers which serve as a symbol of respect, so they are the perfect flower to include in a Mother's Day bouquet to allow you to show the extent to which you respect your wife or mother for everything that she has done for her children.
Carnations are some of the best flowers to include within a Mother's Day bouquet. Each colour of carnation possesses a different meaning that symbolizes a significant message relevant to mothers everywhere. Pink carnations serve as a dual symbol of gratitude and love to show your wife or mother how much you love them as well as the extent to which you appreciate everything that they have done for their children. Red carnations symbolize admiration and allow you to show your mother how much you look up to her as a significant role model in your life.
Deciding Your Own Mother's Day Bouquet
All of the above flowers are excellent flowers to include in a Mother's Day bouquet based on their various meanings. However, there is no need to include all of them in a bouquet for your mother or spouse. Instead, you can create a beautiful bouquet using a careful selection of these flowers that coordinate well in both meaning and colour.
White lillies are an excellent base flower for any Mother's Day bouquet because of their all-encompassing symbol of motherhood and their pleasant pale hue that matches well with almost any other flower. In addition to lillies, you can add either orange or yellow gerbera daisies to symbolize respect and pink carnations to demonstrate love and gratitude. In lieu of daisies and carnations, violets, dark pink roses, and pink tulips also make great additions to lillies because they add symbols of love and gratitude to the bouquet and provide a nice complementary contrast to the white colour of lillies.
In lieu of daisies and carnations, violets, dark pink roses, and pink tulips also make great additions to lilies because they add symbols of love and gratitude to the bouquet and provide a nice complementary contrast to the white colour of lillies. The most important thing to remember when creating a Mother's Day bouquet is to include flowers which express the unique and special things that you love most about the most important mother in your life in order to properly celebrate and show your appreciation for her in a personalized way.
See our collection for Mother's Day here.